Wednesday, December 27, 2006
It's depressing seeing how the world is on red alert with environmental disasters. Aceh hit with floods after being hit by the tsunami. Dah jatuh ditimpa tangga. Translated: Fallen already but fell down the stairs. Sigh..
Went to pay a visit to my uncle who lives in JB, Skudai last Sat. His whole village of 500 families were affected by the flood. He was coming back from a wedding on Sun and came back. The flood level was at his roof already. Everything gone; furniture, electrical appliances, his 2 old cars, his goods in his car (he's a pasar malam seller), my cousin's books, everything. He managed to find his passport days later. Its sad to see how his place had turned out. It was full of mud and the river nearby his place was still 3/4 high. Apparently this happened in 2001 but not as bad.
Had kenduri on Sun at my aunt's place. Monday went to Bugis street to shop with my sister. Didn't buy anything. My ketupat bag that i am looking for doesnt come in the pearl-ish colour anymore and its almost 60 bucks. Madness. Anyway cannot spend on that bag anymore. Just got Be delicious. Nice!
Hung out with Lydi and her fiancee yesterday in town after she finished work. They make a great couple. So comfy with each other and he's nice after warming up a little. Wishing them all the best.
Went to NIE with Haliah just now. The place was a ghost town. Went to borrow some books to prepare for my Math LP. Sigh..Holidays also must do work. Unbelievable. We went for Thosai at Lil India with Rai. I must admit eating in that old eatery with them makes me feel like I'm in Calcutta. Haha..old memories..Headed to Mustafa and shopped. Smell and smell the perfumes until confused and dunno which was which. Heh..Had to head back earlier after that cuz we were having a mini celebration for my youngest sis..her bd was during kenduri day.
Gonna destress myself a bit before heading to sleep..Oh yar a recommended read: Notes from an even smaller island by Neil Humphreys is great! Reading it now. So far, so funny and honest.
11:07 PM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
- went to play pool with the girls at the place beside Paradiz centre. It was packed with students so we waited for our turn. The girls played the games at the arcade while waiting.
- Here are some pics!

- Had tuition on Thurs. New tutee..Pri 6. Need a lot of work but its always challenging to get weak students to guide. Met Lydi after her work in town. Sat down for coffee at Starbucks. Was great catching up with an old friend. Re-connecting. We went to get a gift for Jansy at Body shop. Had dinner at Mac Cafe and headed back. Lydi's engaged and planning to tie the knot next 2 yrs. So to all who thinks she's married. No she's not. Its amazing how your friend who is still single but not available, can be perceived to be married and such. Talking about that; my old sec sch teacher thought i was married cuz i was mentioning about not wanting to sell my flat [my flat is 5 yrs now and agents are constantly asking if i wanna sell my flat]. Amazing!
- Had to send my grams to TTSH for her appointment. Her medicine costed 300 bucks. Realise how imp health is. I'd rather be spending money on fitness and health now than when i'm sick and my Medisave is bleeding fast. Scary thought. Also headed to town to catch Eragon. Was an ok movie. The effects not as great as LOTR though. Plot is not bad. 3 popcorns!
- Went to Austin Golf Resort in JB. Nice place. Got Mummy's brother in law who is a member to help get us cheaper rates. Soaked ourselves in the jacuzzi and used the sauna there. Was a great experience. Relaxing. Played some pool again with my sister and some table-tennis cum badminton [we started hitting the ball high like badminton]. Was my first time playing. But it was silly-fun..=)
- Got back at 5 from JB the next day and went to Jansy's birthday party at OCC. Food was great. Music was ok. Games were ok la. Jans looked superb. Have some pics here.

12:12 AM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Ok back to what Azhar said about cats and women.
A: So you have 2 cats now huh?
Me: Yar, why?
A: Oh better not tell you, later you get angry.
Me: Just say la..
A: Well, they say women with cats will be spinsters.
Me: [half wanting to kickbox A but since I was driving, decided against it] What???? So what if i'm single? Blah..blah..
Conclusion: A should know when to shut up sometimes. A's plain irritating. If you're A and you're reading this, you better not be saying this to me between now and till i'm hitched. No wait...between now and forever..which means never again!
If you're not A and you're reading this, just know that spinsterhood is not in my plans..furthermore i'm only 21! Give me a break!! Bleargh!...
11:32 PM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ain he cute??? Picked him up from under Mummy's house. 4 months old. Male. Gentle but cheeky kitten.
Not up for adoption. I mean it. =)
8:35 AM
My just keeps getting longer since my last update..Heh..
So looking through my calendar now..ok updates from 20th Nov-12 Dec (Pay day!!2.2!2.2!)
- 20/11-26/11--Got sick on the 22nd (just mainly diarrhoea and vomitting), not a nice sight..mainly did that for the whooole day..ate porridge, puke, ate banana, puke..wat the hell..It carried on till the next day.. and had to give my Aunt's musical a miss..heard from Mum it was very good, Esplanade quality..Man..would just need to content myself with their VCD then..
- Knowing me I was itchy to get out of the house after being in bed for 2 days, by the next day. So went to send the team to Surabaya with Maz and headed to Vivo to catch Happy Feat. Ais joined us after school. It was great animations but basically cartoons with musicals just don't appeal to a little irritating..though the Penguin dunno watzitsname was very funnily cute when it sang, 'if you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me'. Haha...the environmental message it was putting across was kinda cool as we begin to see how captured animals in the zoo feel (trapped!) Also referring to humans as aliens. But it was a bit idealistic with the ending when humans finally took notice of the fact that they were disrupting the food chain, when the penguins started tapping their feet away..But then again supposed to be a show for the family..depressing endings should not be there..So everyone walked out of the theatre happy and smiling..while i was left a little disappointed..Call me a cynist..Heh..
- Looking through my calendar again..Oh yeah managed to catch the Puteri Gunung Ledang Musical with my Aunt. We got restricted viewing seats meaning we couldnt see the moon on the set..haha..Aunt brought binoculars (serious!) to see the handsome star and the facial expressions of the actors on stage. Had some uncle sat beside me and he was talking about the seats he could have gotten..on and on..for 15 minutes till the show started..So irritating..Anyway after the intermission his whole row of family members didnt make it in time and i guess his family went back. Either that or he managed to get those blardy seats he was supposed to get..bleah..
- 27/11-3/12-- Went on my ECP recce with the girls for the BBQ we were planning for my AI Malay Express students..It was raining and we headed to Parkway Parade thereafter to have lunch. Was sitting at Coffee Bean discussing details for the BBQ when Liza and Maz realised they lost us half way through their talking as Ais and Me were busy being serenaded to by Hady..Keke..Don't get me wrong..No Hady wasn't there to sing to us both..I wish! Haha.. but Coffee Bean was near Music Junction and Hady's latest CD was being played..Ok so i'm just being hopeful and silly..Oh well its tiring being serious..
- Went to send Daddy to TTSH to have his endoscopic check up. His condition is worrying but wat can we do. Slept over Mummy's place and we went to the Expo JL Sale..Nothing much..Doesn't feel like a sale as well..Cooked Sup Tulang along with Daddy's help for my dad and sis..their birthdays..
- Dad and I had a little tension. Something about me not doing the housework. It is irritating as sometimes i feel his love for me equates to the amount of housework i do. But hell..I'm just being super sensitive about this. I know its not like that. Things are okay now anyway. Tiffs between parent and child is normal..I guess its healthy..only.. if its once in a while.
- My new cat arrived and oh its so cute! Will post a few pics of him..Sent him to the vet to get him checked up and de-wormed..cute little thing was actually purring when the vet checked its heartbeat..So different from Ash when he was being checked up..Ash was hyperventilating! Haha..Oh yeah the cute little thing's name is Chub-Chub..Crowd Pleaser that one..But it has been chasing Ash around the house..Poor Ash is too gentle a cat to chase him back..Funny la to see small cat chase big cat..Heh..
- 4/12-10/12--Went to Night Safari with my sis, cousin and Maz and her sister. Its not what its hyped up to be..but the show was fun with the very funny zookeeper as the 'host'. But there's definitely more animals to see in the Zoo rather than the Night Safari. The suspension bridge is pathetic..My sis went like,' Kak, i think we just walked on the bridge..'..Me: 'You think??' Taking the tram is a definite as the place is real dark and walking would take ages..So by default the admission price is $28 including the tram.
- Went to try Belly Dancing at Amore. Was a new experience with Arabic music playing and me dancing to it.. Will definitely get the hang of it with more classes. Was fun..the newbies all stood behind..usual trend..heh..Imagine its the only class that I see some fat on the instructor. Heh..And she doesn't look so bad. She's from Netherlands..Land of the Orange..and her name's Maryam. Waiting for Michelle from my KB class to come back. Her KB classes are fun and light-hearted.
- Went to learn how to cook from Mummy. Ayam Kicap. Have yet to try cooking it. Then went to Maz's place to help marinate the chicken the girls bought for the BBQ. Went to Amore at night. Working on strength training more these days.
- Went to Mummy's place again to learn Sup Ayam. Supposed to go Amore. Booked KB class but it was too rushed to cook. Went back and had Ngaji at night.
I just got news from my sister. Hady has a gf!! Model-chick..Dang! Haha..not that in the first place I'd ever stand a chance..Or rather..not that in the first place I'm so crazy about him..I'm not..really..I'm not la...reeeeally...Ok back to updates..See? Life is about bouncing back on track when news stunt you..Hee...
- Took the car out and fetched Maz, Ais and the Nasi Goreng from Mummy's place for the BBQ day. Got there early at around 10am. Had a dip in the sea as was too inviting..The turn out was not bad la..12 was the expected guess number only the guests didn't turn out to be who we expected. Just generally speaking..with no reference to anybody..just something i noticed for gatherings..when gfs/bfs come along with friends, its better that these gfs/bfs know how to talk to people. Hey..Its super irritating that they stick to their respective gfs/bfs and well the whole point of a gathering is to catch up with friends right? How can we do that when your gfs/bfs are stuck with you. C'mon...Just a reminder to all those couples out there..Its fine to bring ur better/or not better half along for gatherings..but pls its not a date..its a gathering..Think social dynamics..
- Anyhow got "lost" and went all the way to AYE (Jurong)..Heh..instead of gg back to Woodlands straight. So sent Lydi back. Was fun cuz we girls we all 'attacking' Azhar. I tell you he's getting more talkative and irritating. But well it has always been in his nature to irritate..All in good fun..But he did say something that was super irritating..which i will address in my next post. Watch out!!
This marks the end of my loong update..Sorry if its tiring to read..Well you can read it in parts..Just a suggestion..
7:17 AM